Both Symposium and Technicians were crucial discoveries for me in the early 90's , when I was wending my autodidactic way through the library. JR was just quietly doing multiculturalism long before it was named, & showed how to do it regardless of whether it was cool, or cause celebre, or co-opted. Thank you for putting up this notice; I would not have learned for a while otherwise.

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much enjoyed the other cave + rothenberg essay also.

wrote on facebook: JR "helped save poetry from itself at a critical juncture".

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A Big Jewish Book brought me back to connection with my Jewish heritage. As I think about the immense variety in that book and in Symposium, I am reminded of Auerbach's Mimesis -- the microcosm connecting to the surrounding context and elsewhere. To use the language of mathemtics, Jerry was a collector and distributor of essential singularities.

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In 1970, as a college freshman/aspiring poet, Technicians of the Sacred was my Bible! Symposium of the Whole, America: A Prophecy, and Shaking the Pumpkin are also books I have cherished throughout my life and returned to often. A great man, a good soul, Jerome Rothenberg!.

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